Mechanical Engineering

Educational goals

Cílem studia je vzdělávání studentů studijního programu v souladu s moderními vzdělávacími a průmyslovými trendy v oblasti strojírenství pro různá odvětví průmyslu pro budoucí výkon zaměstnání. Bakalářský studijní program klade důraz na nejen tradiční oblasti strojírenství, ale také na nové poznatky a aktuální trendy při vytváření konkurenceschopného strojního průmyslu. Studenti a absolventi získají znalosti a vědomosti z aktuálního stavu a vývoje v daném oboru, což jim umožní zvýšit jejich dosavadní schopnosti a dovednosti, a tedy jejich bezproblémové uplatnění na trhu práce resp. pokračování v navazujících studijních programech.

Profile of the graduate

The graduate of the Bachelor’s degree programme will acquire theoretical and practical basis in natural and technical sciences in the form of comprehensive and interrelated knowledge in the broad field of technical education for the field of engineering. Graduates of the Bachelor’s degree programme will acquire the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge and skills that are essential for successful employment in the labour market or for continuing in further Master’s degree programmes. The nature of the study will lead to the preparation and education of graduates who have the appropriate theoretical knowledge and skills and who are able to solve problems of industrial practice. The graduates are bachelors who are predestined by their education to be employed in the labour market not only in technical positions, but also in other positions for the field of engineering, or for continuing master’s degree programmes.


Study programme
Mechanical Engineering (B0715A270008)
Faculty of
Type of study
Form of study
Length of study
Awarded degree
Education area
Mechanical Engineering and Materials

Courses of Strojírenství programme

1. semester

  • Automatization and Robotics (compulsory)
  • Constructive geometry (compulsory)
  • Design I (compulsory)
  • Chemistry (compulsory)
  • Materials I (compulsory)
  • Mathematical Seminar (compulsory)
  • Mathematics I (compulsory)
  • Mechanical Engineering (compulsory)
  • Programming (compulsory)

2. semester

3. semester

4. semester

5. semester

6. semester

  • Assembly and Metrology (compulsory)
  • Bachelor project I (compulsory optional)
  • Bachelor Project I (compulsory optional)
  • Bachelor project II (compulsory optional)
  • Bachelor Project II (compulsory optional)
  • Experimental Methods (compulsory)
  • Expert Discourse (compulsory optional)
  • Hydraulic, Pneumatic and Electric Drives (compulsory optional)
  • Manufacturing processes (compulsory optional)
  • Physical Metallurgy (compulsory optional)

Admission procedure

The conditions for admission to study are published annually on the website of the Faculty of Engineering of TUL, where the requirements for admission in a given academic year are specified. The basic condition for admission to the bachelor’s degree programme is successful completion of secondary education culminating in the matriculation examination.

More about the admission process

More details

Contact: Moravec Jaromír, doc. Ing. Ph.D.,

Refer to STAG for complete information